and Rangahau


Research underpins the credibility and effectiveness of strong educational organisations that Te Tauihu Aotearoa needs now and for the future.

We recognise that we need to be at the leading edge of our subject fields, teaching valuable research skills to our ākonga and disseminating knowledge to all of our stakeholders. Evidence based research allows us to continually improve all aspects of what we offer by constantly gathering evidence to determine what works, ensuring continual improvement.

Our research focus is to produce quality-assured, applied research and wherever possible collaborate with enterprise and our community to create economic and social impact. We ensure that we build the academic robustness and credibility of our research but retain our focus on what benefits our stakeholders.

Integrating research within our curriculum

Our degree courses include meaningful industry-focused research projects as an educational tool, which directly links our research efforts and our educational provision.  

Research at Te Pūkenga NMIT is funded through internal investment, externally secured grants, contracts with industry, and from Performance-based Research Funding (PBRF) provided by the Tertiary Education Commission. The aim of PBRF is to encourage and reward excellent quality research in the tertiary education sector. NMIT participated in the 2018 PBRF round(external link), and will do so again as part of the wider Te Pūkenga network in 2026 with the benefits of both additional research funding and a quality target to strive for.

Developing staff research capabilities and research portfolio

Many of NMIT's academic staff spread across our programme areas are involved in conducting research. Research is integrated into all aspects of the degree tutor role including performance, career progression, development and recruitment.

Meet the Research and Innovation Office

The Research & Innovation Office aims to support all research at NMIT. 

We support research staff by providing time, a working environment conducive to research and by offering opportunities for funding and the development of research skills.  

The Research and Innovation Office’s aim is to advance and support research capabilities and collaborations to facilitate equitable action-based outcomes that Te Tauihu Aotearoa needs now and for the future.

NMIT Research Professors

Our highly qualified staff members and experienced research professors mentor and assist other kaimahi with research.

Research at NMIT

Many of NMIT's academic staff are involved in conducting research. Most of the research at NMIT is focused on our degree and diploma programme areas. Key areas include: Aquaculture, Arts & Media, Business, Education, Environmental Ecology, Health & Fitness, Social Sciences, Technology, Tourism, Viticulture & Wine.  

Our research tends to be more applied than theoretical, and tutors and students work on real-world projects to help disseminate information in the community where it can be useful. Our range of expertise in research is wide-ranging - everything from accounting to aquaculture. Our research connects with other institutions locally, nationally and internationally, contributing to developing evidence and guidance on global problems. 

Research Ethics

From inception of any research project to dissemination of its results, considering ethical aspects is an active responsibility of researchers. This means that researchers must:

  • endeavour to maintain the safety of all human and animal participants in the project
  • consider the impact of their research and any published outputs, ensuring there will be no adverse ethical impacts on communities and groups
  • is in accordance with NMIT’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi Policy and can contribute to needs and aspirations of Tangata Whenua of Te Tauihuto meaningful engagement and outcomes for Māori and researchers

All research at NMIT, whether undertaken by staff members, or by students as part of undergraduate, post-graduate courses, requires ethics approval.

Ethics Committees

To ensure that all research is done correctly we adhere to the Code of Ethical Conduct(external link) for Research.

There are two ethical committees at NMIT:

  • Research and Ethics Committee
  • Animal Ethics Committee

The purpose of the Animal Ethics Committee is to consider ethical matters pertaining t o the manipulation of animals for research, testing, and teaching at Te Pūkenga/NMIT, as well as the manipulation of animal by parented organisations. (Read more in the CEC [PDF, 579 KB] for use of Animals in Research, Testing and Teaching)

Additionally, appropriate consultation with Māori for rangahau: research by Māori, about Māori (i.e. language, knowledge or persons), and/or for Māori. It ensures a thorough process that reflects NMIT’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi Policy, upholds the needs and aspirations of Tangata Whenua of Te Tauihu and can contribute to meaningful engagement and outcomes for Māori and researchers.

Please contact the Research Support Coordinator for more information about research ethics approval process.

Need some research done?

We encourage you to get in contact to discuss how we may be able to assist with your research needs. There are many ways we can help - ranging from student projects to contract research. We can also assist with accessing government research funding. Please contact the Research Support Coordinator

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