Dr Todd Cochrane

Educational technology design and development research, AI and 3D technology

Todd has a PhD in Education and a BSc (Honours) in Computing. He has worked as a science programmer in epidemiology, as a dairy farm management software developer, worked with local AI companies and came to NMIT in 2013 from WelTec as a Senior Academic in IT.

Educational technology design and development research, AI, 3D technology, applied graph theory – applied data software development. Collaboration and interdisciplinary work mediated through MUVEs in 3D virtual worlds. Effective use of 3D virtual worlds in vocational education contexts. Development of sensing data and actuating environmental effects in dance contexts, and at a distance through “internet of things” abstractions. A background interest in pragmatic and applied use of computing, meta-logics and systems that have emergent qualities, reflection and self-organization.

Read more about Todd on his Tutor page here(external link).

Educational design research supports Ako, Akonga, Kaiako.

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" Ei, Ākonga

Ei, Kaiako

ako, ako, ako, nei

Tātou tātou ei"

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