Dr Bradley Hannigan

My research supports ākonga to become knowledge producers by publishing their original research in academic and practitioner journals.

Strategy, change and education

My research interests are eclectic including research publications in business, education in general, early childhood education, and critical theory. As a philosopher I am interested in how words and concepts are used, misused, under used, or ignored in public discourses, particularly of business and education. As an empirical researcher a lot of the work I do is in supporting ākonga with their Masters research. Topics for this work includes: change management, sustainability management, health care management, strategic management, and marketing management.

My research supports others to find strangeness in familiar and accepted constructs of education. It also draws together theoretical discourses with practical social discourse to disturb status quo and unproblematic acceptance of rhetoric and social practice. In business my research supports ākonga to become knowledge producers by publishing their original research in academic and practitioner journals.

REad more about Bradley on his Tutor page.(external link)

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